Beware of the spoilers!
Hi, guys! I know it's been a while since I've written anything for books here, but a post is coming in a bit. Anyway, I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award.
If you don't know what the Liebster Blog Award is, it's this award given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. If you're nominated, there are four steps:
1. You thank the person who nominated you and you provide a link to their blog on your blog
2. Your nominator has put 11 questions for you to answer. Answer them. Then tell 11 facts about yourself.
3. Leave 11 questions on your blog for the 11 people that you nominated to answer.
4. Pass on this award to 11 other blogs whom you feel are deserving for this award. Leave a comment on their blog that you have nominated them.
Hi people who may or may not be reading this!
First off- Happy New Year! I've been meaning to make a post saying something like this recently, but school started back up. I'm two weeks late but better late than never, right?
Second- sorry I haven't gotten much done as far as blogging goes! I've not been able to read anything since my last post really, but I'm working on the first Beautiful Creatures book by Kami Garcia. This past week has been beyond nuts, involving car troubles and starting out new instruments and the like. Typical music major stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to read more, but I'm trying to get a good foundation on these new instruments. :)
Third- You are all awesome, keep reading, and hang on in there. :)
I'll make new posts as soon as I possibly can, this craziness can't go on forever!
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night, wherever you are!
This is not the usual ordinary book blog. In this blog, I write about what I've read, so I can remember details I might not otherwise remember later on. So, while you can feel free to read what I've written, form your own opinions, and comment on posts here, this is mostly a tool for me to remember things about what I've read.
You can join me on my read shelf: to see what may be next, but I don't go in any specific order. I'm just that cool. 8)