07 June 2012

Willow Reads (18+ series): Excerpt of Love Unrehearsed, Tina Reber

Ryan is in LA to promote his latest film, Reparation, which is premiering Friday night.  It’s time to introduce Taryn to “his world.” 


So if you feel a tad unsatisfied with some of the open-ended threads from Love Unscripted, we still have Slipknot to film with the enamored Jonathan Follweiler at the helm, then there is the global premier of Seaside II with private jets and foreign countries to visit.  Seaside III is scheduled to start production in the fall and Pete and Tammy’s wedding is in there too.  And what about that script for The Isletin Solution?  What are we going to do about that?   Hmm…


More secrets, more lies, more drama, and certainly more media coverage.  Stay tuned to read what happens to Ryan and Taryn next!! 

1.) As this is merely an ARC of the first few chapters, I'm not doing my usual description of the book. 
Because this is unedited, things here may not appear in the actual book. So don't get your hopes up, this is just part of it. :) 

2.) Here's the usual spoiler warning. :) 

Ok, if you're anything like me and you've read Love Unscripted by Tina Reber... You're wondering what the heck happens next. There are so many opened, untied ends that we're wondering what the heck to do. Personally, I'm having problems reading much else because I want to know what happens to this story. I haven't felt that way since waiting for the next Harry Potter book to come out, which is saying something. Reber has completely won my heart with Taryn and Ryan... Anyway, according to the goodreads page for Love Unrehearsed, it isn't set out for release until sometime next year, but if you know where to go you can get a little tidbit of the book. 

Click on this link to access the first four chapters of Love Unrehearsed, direct from Tina Reber's website. They're unedited, according to the amazing author herself, but I just finished this in about an hour of multi-tasking of packing for a weekend trip and reading from the screen. It's good and I feel better with waiting after the four extra chapters because I can kind of figure out what's going to happen next. xD

To the good stuff now:

Instead of saying exactly what happens I'll give a run-down of what happens. 
  1. The book starts out only 2 days after the conclusion of Love Unscripted. Ryan and Taryn are in bed sleeping when the book starts out. Taryn is in the middle of a nightmare when we begin to read.
  2. We get to have a few confrontations with Marla and David, publicist and lawyer respectively. 
  3. Marla gets fired, and Ryan hires her assistant to take her place after she gets fired; this is a good thing- Trish is great at what she does, and she deserves better than that meanie.
  4. Ryan and Taryn officially come out as being engaged at a movie premiere, for a movie he was filming- it's called Reparation. Taryn does well for it being her first interview, and the ring is definitely there.
Ryan placed his lips right next to my ear.  “Put your hand on my 
chest.”  He chuckled lightly to appear as if we were sharing a private 
joke.  “I want everyone to see your ring,” he said emphatically, gazing 
into my eyes with a certain tenderness that was mesmerizing.  “It’s time 
to go big or go home.  I want everyone to know you’re mine, Taryn.”
- Love Unrehearsed, pg. 59
Tina Reber

There are more, but I can't think of more right now... Four different ones should be enough for the time being... But predictions? I'm definitely expecting this book to be steamy, and I can at least hope for a wedding right? Maybe a nice honeymoon? I hope. If author Reber decides to be nice and gives us another near 700-paged book (maybe even more? I'm probably experiencing wishful thinking overdrive), I hope it at least includes a wedding. xD It'd make my love for the series even more real, because I love weddings and romance. That's just me. 

Anywho, I'm hoping for an early 2013 release if it absolutely has to be a 2013 release. I'm sure I'm not the only one, given the glowing reviews I've read on Goodreads and other blogs I've found recently. 

Update on the release: August 31, 2012 
Most of the views on my blog (250+) are from this post alone, and most search for the release date. You're welcome. :)


jasmine02 said...

Omg when is this book coming out. I'm getting so EXCITED?????????

Jamie said...

Hi, Jasmine!
I'm sorry I didn't reply beforehand. I didn't see the comment load on blogger! Odd.
On Goodreads, author Tina Reber released it will be released on August 31, 2012. At first, it was rumored to be sometime next year so this is definitely a great thing! You can always follow Mrs. Reber on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Goodreads for more updates!

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